Father tasting coffee on father’s day

Faema Barista Tips: Create a DIY Coffee Tasting for Father’s Day

When we think of Father’s Day, we envision dad in front of the BBQ grilling up some juicy steaks or headed out to a baseball game for cold beers and sunshine with the family. But what about doing something different for dad this Father’s Day?

A DIY coffee tasting is an excellent way to honour these special men in our lives. We love this idea because you can turn this event into whatever type of party you want. It can be a casual gathering in your living room, or just with immediate family. At Faema, coffee isn’t just something to get you up in the morning. It’s a culture and way of life — something that brings family and friends closer together. So, here are some of our tips on how to create a DIY coffee tasting that dad will never forget.

Tip #1: Keep it simple

A coffee tasting is a wonderful idea because of its elegant simplicity. Sure, you can go all out with decorations and party favours. But at the heart of it all, this is just a chance to sit back and sip on some tasty blends with those you love. There’s nothing complicated about a coffee tasting, so try not to get bogged down in all the party extras.

Tip #2: Pick a cozy venue

We always say the best DIY coffee tastings have an atmosphere of warmth and coziness. Hosting an event like this in your own home is always a great idea because it gives that added feeling of comfort and closeness. However, if your Father’s Day celebration will include all the dads in your extended family as well, then you may consider renting a venue. To stay within the theme of coziness, try to choose a space that is intimate and inviting.

Tip #3: Buy or borrow a coffee brewer

Unless you want to spend the entire party manually brewing cups of coffee, we suggest buying or borrowing an automatic brewing system. We particularly love the Capresso MT900 498. At $215, this is a beautiful model that can brew up to 10 cups of coffee in under ten minutes. If you worry about buying a brewer that you won’t need afterwards, consider gifting it to your father once the party is over. It will be a nice reminder in the years ahead of the lovely coffee tasting you put together for him.

Tip #4: Pick up snacks that pair well with coffee

No DIY coffee tasting is ever complete without some light snacks. Of course, cookies and biscotti are all-time classics. But what about dried cranberries or tapioca pudding? Here’s our go-to list of some easy snacks that pair wonderfully well with coffee:

  • Buttermints: These tasty candies are a delicious treat with your cup of joe; you can purchase them online or easily make your own ahead of the party
  • Fig Newtons: These biscuits pair well with a variety of coffees; just warm them up in the microwave before serving
  • Kettle corn: If you’ll be serving a coffee in a butterscotch flavour, then kettle corn is a delicious match
  • Spicy peanuts: Spicy and sweet go well together. Put out spicy peanuts when serving a sweeter coffee for a lovely pairing that will delight your guests

If you have the room, set up a small snack station for dad and the guests. A nice table with a fitted cloth or a pretty console table works especially well. And don’t forget to put out some small plates to catch all the crumbs, too!

Tip #5: Don’t worry so much about choosing the right coffees

The best coffee tastings feature a variety of flavours from the bold to the fruity. Give dad and your other guests a chance to sip a series of unique blends by having a bunch of different beans grounded up right before the party. This way, you can quickly start brewing one flavour after another in your automatic brewer once everyone starts to trickle in — don’t forget to include some decaf options as well. Depending on what time you’re hosting, you may have some guests who won’t want caffeine too late in the day.

Create little cards that identify which coffee your guests are trying. The cards should indicate the name and origin of the beans, plus a short description of its flavour. You can copy the details right off the packaging, or give it your own spin by doing a taste test yourself ahead of the party.

Try not to get too bogged down worrying about which coffees you’ll be serving. Remember, this event is supposed to be fun and relaxing. Keep things light, fun and casual. When shopping for beans, look for flavours that interest you. And don’t be afraid to pick up something a little different. Your guests may not even be able to tell the difference between certain blends. People won’t remember the blends you offered, just the memories they made. This is a day to celebrate family and the bonding that comes with it.
To learn more about how you can make Italian espresso and cappuccino yourself, call Faema at 877-323-6226 or contact us here.